Monday 10 September 2012

JOUR1111 - Lecture Seven

"The difference between commercial broadcasting and public broadcasting, is the difference between consumers and citizens." - Nigel Milan

On the topic of Public Media, I found the above quote both very interesting and very true. 

I like to think of myself as an avid public media viewer, however I feel that with the likes of Big Brother and Puberty Blues, my closet commercial fangirl tells me I watch more commercial television than I like to admit. Of course I get fed up with the endless stream of advertisements, but that is the price I pay to watch vacuous nobodies struggling to live with other vacuous nobodies whilst I sit in the boring constraints of my lounge room - dinner on my lap. 

Of course I whole-heartedly understand that this is not quality television, thus, I respect Public Media very much. 

The two main Public Media channels in Australia are the ABC and SBS - both good examples of what Public Media actually is. The definition of Public Media - as given to us in the lecture is - 'In general, (public media is) media whose mission is to serve or engage the public. Public Media includes traditional publicly-funded broadcasters and networks… as well as public uses of new platforms and distribution mechanisms, such as the internet, podcasting, blogging. Increasingly the term 'Public Media' is less associated with taxpayer supported media; it may be for profit as long as its ultimate purpose is to server the public and not to turn a profit.'

So, unlike the aim of Commercial Media, Public Media strives to produce quality, make themselves relevant, engage with the democratic process, inform the public and be independent. However, Public Media do not have 'the profit monkey on their back'. In other words, the government have somewhat control over legislation and funding. Dictating the content and the what they can and can't spend money on. Thus, one of the biggest challenges in Public Media is the introduction of commercial techniques in order to keep viewers and increase profit. Companies such as the ABC are doing this by merchandising - gaining a little extra cash. 

I think both Public and Commercial media serve their purpose. They seem to balance nicely with each other - each having their advantages and disadvantages. 

They are polar opposites and it works. 

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