Saturday 27 October 2012

JOUR1111 - Lecture Eleven

Lecture Eleven. Lucky Last. The blogging of lectures has come to an end. Good timing too - as this week's topic is an introduction into one of my least preferred branches of journalism - Investigative Journalism. Fun, fun, fun... 

Now, before the start of this semester, I would have rather enjoyed this lecture (I assume), HOWEVER, having just completed JOUR1710 - Investigative Journalism, i'd prefer to jump off the cliff now. That seems a little melodramatic, but for me, this type of journalism is the bane of my existence. That being said, maybe journalism isn't the right path for me then…?

Anyway. Investigative Journalism requires one to be 100% critical and 100% thorough, thus 200% boring. To me, any piece of writing with little or no opinion sends me to sleep. It's like reading through  a textbook - which I don't - it doesn't keep me on my toes. Although some will argue that a well written piece of investigative journalism is extremely interesting. I agree. Writing it however, is a different story. 

There are 6 'In's' of Investigative Journalism, in order to help one be more successful:


The aforementioned is rather self-explanatory and makes sense when describing an Investigative Journalist. One must remember that this side of Journalism is simply a 'branch'. There are many branches which fall under Journalism - which I guess is why I am studying it. I agree that it is essential to have people with enough curiosity and scepticism to uncover the truth of our society. We need Investigative Journalists to churn out the facts, however, does that make them more important or 'right', than those how blog or report fashion and culture, etc? Are the opinionated writers even Journalists? What defines Journalism? Too many questions.

Regardless of what Journalism is and whether or not those who don't report the checked facts are still titled 'Journalists', there probably isn't a thing in the world that would one day see me sitting behind a desk, checking through government documents, uncovering the truth to some unsolved political scandal. It just doesn't grab me. And that is fine. Because the world is always after some overly-opinionated nobody to publish an insignificant and unread blog. You know, the blogs that people read at work, behind their desk when they can't be bothered sorting through any more documents. And such.  Maybe that's just me. Maybe not. #YOLO #ijustsaidyolo #whatislife #bye

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